Pashley Manor, is a quite splendid building but unfortunately we only had access to the gardens. A bit of a let down because we all like a nose at other peoples' possessions, don't we.
There was some compensation for this in the form of an Arts and Crafts Fair run by a Contemporary Design Association.
After being processed through the entry point, and receiving the statutory lecture on do's and don't's, and the positioning of the facilities, we set-off for the, almost mandatory, visit to the convenience.
On the way we met this figure, and I'm not sure whether this was done by designed, but the siting of this sculpture struck me as being very carefully and cunningly thought out. It is a very clever piece of positioning, as it stands in place just outside the WCs., with a look of spiritual, cerebral and physical strain and contemplation and carries the titled, I think of "Reflection". The sitting pose, with knees drawn up, hints at a discomfort that to needs to be (to use an old one) worked out with logarithms or a pencil.
I cannot leave without a mention of the craft fair, after-all I am a wood turner. There was some very cleverly done stuff. but also a lot of pretension. There were three Wood turners, one of which was displaying a little goblet on a 5 foot 6 inch stem - not my thing (did one with a 7 inch stem, didn't see the point of doing any more) but very skillful, nonetheless. Amongst the knitters, embroiderers, sewers, jewellery-makers, there were a couple of lead-light makers - this I found was quite interesting because at one time I worked for a firm of glaziers and we made lead-lights. It was the turners that really were of interest to me, certainly two of them, and maybe, all three considered themselves as Artists rather than craftsmen, and charged their prices accordingly. The DOB summed it up when she picked up a 10 or 11 inch bowl, looked at the price and said - in that voice that penetrates lead - , " much; £70, yours are much better and you give them away...". The guy on the stall looked a little put out, perhaps because he had one or two interested punters. I don't think he was absolutely pacified when I told him that I was a turners and she was a critic.
We eventually got home, and the letters of complaint will (are), no doubt, duly be(ing) written and the organisers will come to some arrangement, but I wonder was the experience of more value as a story to be told the grand kids, or anybody else that will listen, than any compensation we receive?
Well, I enjoyed it! The best part of your post though was the strategically placed statue outside the WCs.