Thursday, 22 November 2012

Sepia Saturday 153

As this my first entry for nearly twelve months, I've decided to take the obvious and chose pairs or couples, or two's, and young (and perhaps, not so young) women as the theme this week.  Not only is it obvious but it also give an excuse to go rummaging through the various bundles of old photos lying uncared and moulering for in the back of my draws and images downloaded and stored in half-forgotten folders on the PC.

I'm not sure where this image comes from, but I've taken a lead from our leader and cropped it heavily.  The intention was not to find a picture within the picture but to remove the naughty bits that might cause offence to the sensitive.

This is clearly one of those mildly erotic images so much loved by upper class Victorian Gentlemen.  To be true to their superiority and propriety it has been cropped so as not cause respectable ladies to swoon, shock children or arouse animal passions in the lower classes and the feeble-minded..

In common with many others I often try to imagine, from the faces of the sitters, what is going on in their heads.

Quick, quick, hurry up, I'm going to scream.  Don't you dare, and you Mr Snapper get a move on.

I'm uncomfortable, but cute.  I'm a big girl now but still cute.


  1. Oh, those naughty knees! How cute! :)

    And Oh,no! Word verification?! How about being kind to us commenters, and taking it off? Such a waste of time trying to decipher its foibles...

    1. Hi Jinksy,

      Nice Knees, yes, The bit in between leave nothing to the imagination.

      Have I some kind of blocker on my blog? I'll look


  2. Alan has challenge us to google Lala and Elgie; should I look at Vintage

  3. So that must be where I got the thing. their faces have always struck me having a sense of purity. Even the bondage pose, with the wrists are tied with washing line, looks innocent

    I'm not sure that you'll find Lala and Elgie Bob, but it might be interesting.


  4. You successfully managed to effectively crop the animal passions of a lower class Sepia Saturday fan! Fortunately there is sufficient literary joy left.
    Great post!

    1. Can't have lower class animal passions, they are simply not has tasteful has upper-class animal passion (sorry I mean cerebral appreciation)

  5. Your Victorian naughties are fabulous!

  6. I like the way you showed both the top and bottom and put writing in the middle.

    1. Thank you, I seem to recall that you've done rather cute things with image

  7. I too enjoyed the naughty omitted and the nice remaining- I can just see one of those gentlemen slipping away to their study for a smoke and a lovely read! Your comments are quite enjoyable too! Very nice post!

  8. Welcome back - I thought you'd left us! What a change to have a 'naughty' SS post. I agree with the imagined thought bubbles too; how often must they have said "Get a move on!"?

    Yes, Mike, you still have word verification switched on. Posters are not generally aware unless someone tells them. Here's a fellow blogger's helpful post on the subject: No more word verification

  9. Thank you Nell, it is nice to talk to you again. Sorry about the delay - it is that old flutterby thing.

    I think I've disabled the Word Verification after Jinksy's comment. Let me know if it still there.


  10. From Naughties to The Innocent - you've covered the spectrum.

  11. A post with a distinct Pythonesque (full-Monty) slant. Sisters have always made good subjects for painters and photographers.

  12. But what about those of a more delicate disposition?

  13. Well done on your cropping! The second photo has some great details - they both have little daisy decorations at their throats. The last photo reminds me of me and my brother when he was a baby :-) Jo

    1. I hadn't noticed the daisies, and I trust the photographer had an old camera.


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
